Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Neon Factory Presents:
A Live Art Experience.

Ever been to a party indelibly connected to art?

Calling all Instagram whores, now’s the time to take selfies like never before – with a full on decadent set waiting for you to expose your composition skills and shot choice.

Need a night out to encompass more than just gyration and libation?

Status sluts – we want you. Expose your critical viewpoint on Facebook and Twitter with an expose’ on society’s cisgender normative attributes and the misconceptions thereof. Plus there’ll be naked people – just in case that previous sentence made no damn sense.

You’re a partygoer who cares deeply?

We’ve got that covered too. Or uncovered? Lets just say that some folk have graciously donated their bodies to raise money for a good cause. What’s the cause - a little rhino that needs a bit of extra care. We’re saving a life with some ass. Come show us how you care.

You just feel like doing something different?

Kicking off at 19h00 with a Cape Town First, a live art exhibition exposing aspects of glamour, transformation, decadence, charity and seduction. Where Pierre Estienne will be setting the night to music as Miss Starr, Ivana Vodka, Soneda Be, Whiskey and Steve the hot naked Rhino guy presents an art piece like never before.

#NeonFactoryExposure – the best live updates will receive an impressive gift hamper on the night. So be sure to come early and systematically expose the transformation process through social media.

The Techno Tunnel starts to heat up at 21h00 where Beaumont Black will be exposing some deep tracks to take you on a one of a kind salacious journey, setting the temp to simmer. Mr. Jay will take the mood of the dance floor up to a sizzle beckoning you to expose your more lascivious moves. But what’s a meal without dessert? Kanan K7 will expose your need to be finished off with something delicious.

ERA - 71 Loop Street, Cape Town, South Africa
Free before 21h00
R80 thereafter.

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