Monday, October 31, 2016

Wanna be Waltzing through a Neon Factory Event?

From the front door to the back we endeavour to create a fantastic energy through the use of live art.

By using drag artists' natural abilities - poking fun at society through pop culture - the idea was to transcend that energy one would feel if you were actually with them getting ready.
It's a large part of the fun when it comes to complete makeovers of the self. Sitting with an artist, talking smack, throwing alcohol back, gawking at the attention to detail and generating a calming atmosphere of tongue-in-cheek irreverence.

It's a vibe that beckons creative ideas, encourages innovation and marvels at spectacle. Definitely while exposed to the energy but hopefully that consciousness will follow everyone it touches long afterwards.

Saunter through...

For the 3rd November 2016 the Neon Factory crew are hard at work making sure we can match our large opening with something more energetic. To push and pull your emotions between the light and the dark, between humour and sensuality and between the above as well as below. 

71 Loop Street
19h00 - 02h00
3rd November 2016

Teaser Trailer for Exposure

What went down at Neon Factory's first event, Exposure?  Take a look...

Ivana Vodka

ERA on Loop Street was home to the most lavish art party Cape Town's First Thursdays had on offer for 6th October 2016.
 Exposure by Neon Factory. 

Ivana Vodka had all the right poses to keep the onlookers gagging as they gawk.
Here's a little peak at the visual stimulation that Ivan stirs, or shakes, up. 

Photography by Migal Van As

For the 3rd November 2016 the Neon Factory crew are hard at work making sure we can match our large opening with something more exciting. To push and pull your emotions between the light and the dark, between humour and sensuality and between above and below. 

71 Loop Street
19h00 - 02h00
3rd November 2016

Soneda Be

ERA on Loop Street was home to the most extravagant art party Cape Town's First Thursdays had on offer for 6th October 2016.
 Exposure by Neon Factory. 
Soneda Be glittered up her beard and painted some fierce eyes before sauntering around the club chatting and giggling and flirting and mingling. 

Have a look at just what it looked like for our guests.
Photography by Migal Van As

For the 3rd November 2016 the Neon Factory crew are hard at work making sure we can match our large opening with something more exhilarating. To push and pull your emotions between the light and the dark, between humour and sensuality and between above as well as below. 

71 Loop Street
19h00 - 02h00
3rd November 2016

Mx Starr

ERA on Loop Street was home to the most flamboyant art party Cape Town's First Thursdays had on offer for 6th October 2016, Exposure by Neon Factory. 

Mx Starr interacted with some visitors, integrated with the partygoers and completely dominated stomping down the street in thigh highs boots. 

Here is the visual feast that is Mx Starr.
Photography by Migal Van As

For the 3rd November 2016 the Neon Factory crew are hard at work making sure we can match our large opening with something more tantalising. To push and pull your emotions between the light and the dark, between humour and sensuality and between above as well as below. 

71 Loop Street
19h00 - 02h00
3rd November 2016

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Neon Factory: Exposure – What you can expect?

So you’ve got an outfit, grabbed your posse and ready to expose what makes you an art loving, dancing demon but what can you expect from Neon Factory’s first art party “Exposure”…? 

Doors open at 19h00.

You will be greeted by one of our hosts who'll run through the flow of the installation – so don’t worry too much about not knowing what’s going on.
The upstairs floor at ERA will be set like a glamorous dressing room where three of Cape Town’s finest artists, SonedaBe, Ivana Vodka and Mx Starr, will put their talents to the test with a live audience that can interact with the installation. So feel free to get close to the artists, ask them a question and even take a selfie with them.

In the center of the dressing room will be the artists’ choice in coat rack – opting for something live and interactive – in stands Steve the Rhino guy. Steve will be holding coats, wearing nothing but a rhino horn. His role is to please the eyes while raising funds for Rhinos. So drop some cash in his bucket and a JHB based company, Beyond Red Experiences, will match whatever funds are raised.

At the window we will have a body painting session underway. So from the street you will be able to see the Neon come to life as our artist splashes neon paints all over our models naked body.

Kingma design will have some creative leather wear on display too. 

Feel like some cake while you take this all in? Plus1Festival, a sponsor for the art installation, has had a South African first made for Exposure – a wedding dress Ken doll cake. It is complete with the traditional white overlay and the non-traditional colourful undercarriage that beckons you slip your hand underneath. Come have a slice. We wont tell anyone.
So come chat to one of their representatives to find out more about this novel idea of a Wedding Festival. Three days of Love to be held in Franschoek, February 17th – 19th. A festival of love for the lovers of festivals.

A few of Bekky Beukes' prints will be on display in the installation. Bekky is set to return to South Africa in early 2017 to create some beautiful murals for Cape Town and Johannesburg.

The techno Tunnel starts to warm up at 21h00 with Kanan K7, Beaumont Black and Mr Jay dropping tracks like they're hot.

Find Neon Factory on Instagram (@neonfactoryct) or Facebook (@The NeonFactoryCT), take a pic, post it and tag #NeonFactoryCT #NeonFactoryExposure. Do it while you are attending the event and stand a chance to win something amazing.
Have we ironed out the finer details...?

It's a party, with art, so come party like you're art.

ERA, 71 Loop Street, Cape Town
6th October
Doors Open 19h00
A First Thursdays Initiative 

Neon Factory Presents Beaumont Black

It was Diskotekah's infamous extravaganza parties where the Neon Factory crew first heard the music stylings of Mr Beaumont. His attention to detail was insurmountable and his choice in sound was unique. Naturally he fell right into the perfect slot for Exposure.

We caught up with the mind that manages Beaumont Black and this is what he had to say:

Hailing from a black hole, Beaumont Black discovered his intergalactic passion for DJ'ing in a galaxy far away. His specific sound (which he has cleverly dubbed 'spacial techno') is used to combat the powers of darkness and spread love and light throughout the universe.

ERA, 71 Loop Street, Cape Town
6th October

Neon Factory Presents Pierre Estienne

Pierre Estienne first caught the ears of the Neon Factory crew in Tanwa Town on an Afrikaburn expedition. The soulful connection to the audience was undeniable. Any soul that passed was instantly sucked into the vinyl flipping track selection that Pierre was serving. From there it was a few sessions dotted around Cape Town and of course he would be first on our list to open up an novel venture that is an art party. 

Pierre is a Cape Town-based DJ and record collector and has been an ardent supporter of quality music ever since he first started diving into the musical hemisphere by collecting music in the late 80s. 

Pierre continuously supports and promotes the Vinyl Culture in South Africa, whilst taking annual pilgrimages to Berlin with his friends. His recent travels have cemented his reputation as a much loved and respected DJ around the globe. Pierre is a resident DJ at Private Life, one of Cape Town's longest running house and disco nights, he is also the host and organizer of the Vinyl Digz events.

ERA, 71 Loop Street, Cape Town
6th October

Doors Open at 19h00

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Neon Factory presents Bekky Beukes

Neon Factory wanted to use the opportunity to showcase young and fresh talent from South Africa in the art world and garner more attention around something that deserves more attention. Our choice for our first party, Exposure, is Bekky Beukes who has dived into painting some of the most enchanting female figures we have ever seen.

This is what Bekky has to say:

I am often asked why I paint 'what I paint', not only does this humble me but it also interests me.

"Why do you paint girls?"

Georgia O Keefe strung together sounds that I cannot match in describing the 'why'...

"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way" - Georgia O Keefe.

To me, words are dust, I have long ago abandoned the notion that words hold truth and value... I observe and I watch, I feel and I see and I wait for truth to be exposed through actions. I paint girls because I can relate to them, they are pieces of me, bite sized memories, things I remember and I change the colors to the way I see color when I have my eyes closed.

I paint form because I am intrigued by the way the body moves, how much a body can say in a simple posture. I paint them unclothed so that they are exposed and honest with nothing to hide behind. I have much still to explore with regards to composition but I know that through form I find myself able to communicate, combined with color and contrast I can challenge perception.

'Why are they so sad?' I am asked this often as well.

I personally think pain can be beautiful, it is not angry or aggressive, the way I illustrate pain is submissive, there can be internal peace when you are challenged to understand pain through acceptance. Resolution occurs through this process, resolution encourages growth. We all fight demons, I fond the battle to be in vain, I want to acknowledge mine, identify them, learn from them I want to understand them, befriend them, play with them, pacify them, perhaps in time we can reach a compromise...

Yes, 'my girls' are sad, because they have seen and heard things, they have watched humans devour each other, poison the air we breathe with lies and falsity, with envy and jealousy. They feel helpless, overwhelmed at the odds of the world being at peace and internally channeling their own insecurity, faced with their own human error, ashamed by evidence of hypocrisy and passionately defending their right to be good in a world that promotes destruction.

"It was not dying that mattered, it was the sadness, the wonder. The few good people crying in the night. The few good people." - Charles Bukowski

To see what Bekky Beukes is up to right now go to her site :

Some prints of Bekky Beukes’ work will be on display at
ERA, 71 Loop Street, Cape Town
6th October , 2016
A First Thursdays Initiative

Doors Open at 19h00